But this is better than unlimited liability. 但这总比无限责任好。
Civil liability system of arbitrators can be divided into four modes, namely, absolute immunity, qualified immunity, limited liability and unlimited liability. 仲裁员民事责任制度可以分为“绝对豁免”、“有限豁免”、“有限责任”和“无限责任”四种模式。
The main disadvantages is the unlimited liability of each partner. 不好的地方是每一位合伙人因此而承担无限责任。
Although all are called partners, some members of a partnership may be very active in the management of the firm and therefore take unlimited liability, while others choose to stay away from management and assume only limited liability. 虽然都叫做合伙人,但在企业管理层的活动动中,某些合伙成员也许非常活跃,因而承担无限责任;而其他合伙成员选择不参与管理,只承担有限责任。
A BCC does not create a separate legal entity and the investors have unlimited liability for the debts of the BCC. 基底细胞癌不创建一个独立的法律实体和投资者中广为债务负无限责任。
The registration of unlimited liability merchants shall be handled by the agencies authorized by the Registration Organization ( i.e.detached offices) according to these regulations. 无限责任商人的登记,由登记机关授权的分支机构(派出机构)依据本条例办理。
Unlimited liability means that each partner is responsible for all debts and legal responsibilities in? 无限责任就是指每个合伙人负担全部的债务,法律责任由企业承担。
Shareholders of unlimited liability shall bear joint unlimited liability for obligations of the company, and shareholders of limited liability shall be liable to the company only to the extent of the capital contributed by them. 无限责任股东,对公司债务负连带无限清偿责任;有限责任股东,以出资额为限,对于公司负其责任。
A member of a cooperative of unlimited liability may not be a member of another cooperative of unlimited liability. 无限责任合作社社员,不得为其它无限责任合作社社员。
Each partner has total and unlimited personal liability of the debts incurred by the partnership. 每个合作伙伴具有完全和无限的个人责任的债务所支付的伙伴关系。
When shareholders of unlimited liability and shareholders of limited liability unanimously agree to REINCORPORATE the company into an unlimited company, it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 无限责任股东与有限责任股东,以全体之同意,变更其组织为无限公司时,依前项规定行之。
In addition, the general partners retain unlimited liability for the debts and obligations of the partnership. 此外,普通合伙人就企业债务和义务仍承担无限责任。
There are two or more partners, all of whom are capable of assuming unlimited liability in accordance with the law; 有二个以上合伙人,并且都是依法承担无限责任者;
Yet they have unlimited liability and are responsible for all their business debts. 但他们的责任是无限的,必须对其业务上的一切债务负责。
The investor of the personal-fund enterprise shall assume unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise. 独资企业投资者对企业债务负无限责任。
A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability. 合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任。
The purpose of this requirement was to ensure that these professionals had unlimited liability for their professional activities. 这个要求的目的是确保这些执业人员对他们的执业活动负无限的责任。
Special Ordinary Partnership: between Limited Liability and Unlimited Liability 特殊普通合伙企业:游走于无限与有限责任之间
The third part puts forward the additional relief measures of shareholders limited liability in Single-member Company with shareholders unlimited liability and discusses definitely the common types of shareholders unlimited liability in Single-member Company by learning from the doctrine of veil piercing in Common Law System. 第三部分提出应以一人公司股东的无限责任作为股东有限责任的补充救济措施,并借鉴英美法系的揭开法人面纱理论,对一人公司股东无限责任的常见类型做了一定的探讨。
Unlimited liability to the exclusive shareholder in legal circumstance; 在法定的有限范围内对一人股东适用无限责任;
To recognize the existence of unlimited liability in asset operation and strengthen risk management is very important to perfect asset operation of university. 识别资本运营中无限责任并加强风险管理,是完善高校资本安全运营的重要内容。
Since capital was a kind of rare resource, unlimited liability was favorable to the corporation's productive accumulation of profits. 资本是稀缺资源,无限责任制度有利于企业盈利的生产性积累;
The article attempts to break through the traditional law liability including limited one and unlimited one which is divided by the standard of the degree of undertaking law liability, and set up relative unlimited liability. 本文试图打破传统的法律责任中根据责任的承担程度为标准所划分的有限责任和无限责任,设立相对无限责任。
Because of the lack of public risk-preventing organizations such as central bank or insurance company, the unlimited liability cash organization was an effective system to reduce financial risk. 而在缺少中央银行、存款保险公司等防范风险的公共机构的情况下,无限责任的钱业组织是一种降低金融风险的有效的制度安排。
Before the limited liability was established, the interest of creditors has been widely protected, but since its formation, the situation is changed, the creditors lose the protection of unlimited liability, its interest has been greatly threatened. 在有限责任制度确立以前,公司债权人的利益曾得到了广泛的保障,但自其产生后,形势则发生了逆转,债权人失去了可向股东追索无限责任的空间,其利益受到了极大的威胁。
The limited liability company, which has the feature of Human resource integrity and capital integrity, is between the stock joint company and the unlimited liability company. Shares transfer happens all the time freely or constrainedly. 有限责任公司介于股份公司和无限公司之间,兼有人合性和资合性的特点,其股权转让似乎无时不在自由和限制之间游弋。
However, the financial institutions cannot apply the limited partnership system, and cannot manage the wealth for the customers by taking the unlimited liability general partner in the limited partner company. 无论如何,我国金融业机构不可能运用有限合伙制,不可能通过担任有限合伙人企业中具有无限责任的普通合伙人的方式为客户管理财富。
Starting from the concept of the liability of the arbitrators, the first part of the paper discusses the theory on the liability of arbitrators: absolute immunity theory, unlimited liability theory, and qualified immunity theory. 第一部分从仲裁员法律责任的概念入于,论述和分析了当前存在的关于仲裁员法律责任的三种理论:仲裁员责任绝对豁免论、仲裁员责任论、仲裁员责任有限豁免论。
The improvements of the relevant departments: regulate the audit fees; the relevant departments strengthen law enforcement, introduce the unlimited liability systems; increase the punishment. 相关部门的改进措施包括严格规范审计收费,相关部门要加大执法力度和处罚力度。
The reason why our country uses joint liability instead of personal unlimited liability is due to the impact of the theory of real juristic person, which does not ignore the independent personality of the corporate. 我国之所以采不同于国外的个人无限责任,而采连带责任,在一定程度上是由于受到法人实在说的影响较大,不轻易无视公司的独立人格。